Hello Sobat SinarNarasi! Apakah kamu sedang belajar tenses? Salah satu tenses yang sering dipelajari dalam bahasa Inggris adalah simple present tense.

Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau kebiasaan yang terjadi pada masa sekarang. Dalam artikel ini, kamu akan menemukan beberapa contoh soal simple present tense yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk berlatih. Yuk, langsung saja kita simak!
Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Sederhana
1. She _______ (read) a book every night.Jawaban: She reads a book every night.2. They _______ (play) basketball every Saturday.Jawaban: They play basketball every Saturday.3. He _______ (drink) coffee every morning.Jawaban: He drinks coffee every morning.4. The sun _______ (rise) in the east.Jawaban: The sun rises in the east.5. I _______ (like) to eat pizza.Jawaban: I like to eat pizza.
Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dengan Kata Kerja Bantu
1. She _______ (do) her homework every day.Jawaban: She does her homework every day.2. They _______ (watch) TV every night.Jawaban: They watch TV every night.3. He _______ (play) guitar every weekend.Jawaban: He plays guitar every weekend.4. The cat _______ (sleep) on the sofa.Jawaban: The cat sleeps on the sofa.5. We _______ (love) to travel to new places.Jawaban: We love to travel to new places.
Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dengan Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan

1. She _______ (go) to school by bus.Jawaban: She goes to school by bus.2. They _______ (have) breakfast together every morning.Jawaban: They have breakfast together every morning.3. He _______ (know) how to speak French.Jawaban: He knows how to speak French.4. The birds _______ (sing) in the morning.Jawaban: The birds sing in the morning.5. We _______ (see) each other once a week.Jawaban: We see each other once a week.
Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dengan Kalimat Negatif
1. I _______ (not eat) meat.Jawaban: I do not eat meat.2. They _______ (not watch) horror movies.Jawaban: They do not watch horror movies.3. She _______ (not drink) alcohol.Jawaban: She does not drink alcohol.4. The sun _______ (not set) in the west.Jawaban: The sun does not set in the west.5. We _______ (not smoke) cigarettes.Jawaban: We do not smoke cigarettes.
Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dengan Kalimat Tanya
1. _______ you (like) to swim?Jawaban: Do you like to swim?2. _______ they (play) soccer now?Jawaban: Are they playing soccer now?3. _______ he (live) in Jakarta?Jawaban: Does he live in Jakarta?4. _______ the train (arrive) on time?Jawaban: Is the train arriving on time?5. _______ we (have) a meeting tomorrow?Jawaban: Are we having a meeting tomorrow?
Itulah beberapa contoh soal simple present tense yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk berlatih. Ingat, latihan dan konsistensi adalah kunci dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris.

Semoga artikel ini dapat membantu kamu dalam meningkatkan kemampuanmu dalam menggunakan simple present tense. Keep up the good work, Sobat SinarNarasi!